There is a culturally based system in Southern Kaduna tribes
that associates a person with the ancestors of the unbroken male lineage. This
system is known as Clan system. Let’s say, if a person is associated with
Mingyuo, then the person is linked to the ancient Ankwai-Mingyuo.
Almost all Nigerian tribes practice
they Clan system.
In the Oegworok
culture, they are linked with two moieties which are Kwashang and Ankwai, each moieties
is made up of three (3) houses or clans;
1. Kallahu
2. Lawal (popularly pronounced Lawat)
3. Kadau/Katta
1. Mingyuo
2. Mingwuab
3. Kwagwuak
They are known as clans, in other words roots. Every other
Oegworok have evolved from these six (6) clans and what the clan symbolizes is
that it protects the particular male lineage.
Why Son or a Male Child is important in Clan System
In the Clan system, the identification only passes down in
males, but not in females. What it means is that the lineage is passed down
from father to son, but never from father to daughter. In case of marriage, the
association of daughter gets transferred. For instance, if a person belonging
to Mingyuo clan has a son, and that son gets married to a daughter whose father
belongs to Kallahu, then the daughter is automatically associated with Mingyuo
In case a person does not have any
daughter, then the lineage ends with him. That is why it was preferred in the
ancient and contemporary Oegworok societies to have at least one son to protect
the ‘clan’. You might probably be asking
questions like “Why should only sons carry the clan of their fathers, why not
the daughters?” This issue has also been common among the feminists. What they
lack is the genetic science behind this, a clear biological answer that is 100%
logical for it. Before getting into that, let’s look at this rule.
A Boy And A Girl Belonging To The Same Clan Cannot Marry
There exists one important rule in the Clan system: a boy and
a girl belonging to the same clan cannot marry, even if they are not siblings
and belong to distant families. There is a genetic science behind this too. Two
people from the same clan marrying can cause genetic disorders in their
offspring. How? We will come to that later.
Let’s get into another rule in the clan system.
Clan system, even of their roots cannot be same. It’s the
same logic as that of Object
Oriented Programming:
Consider this: Class B and Class C both derived from Class A.
Now, considered Class D, derived from Class B and Class C both. In simpler
terms, Class B is the parent of Class D, Class C is also the parent of Class D,
but Class A is the parent of both Class B and Class C. The root of Class B and
Class C is class A. Replace B and C with different Clans, they might seem
different, but their root is still class A.
Now let’s understand the science behind this in depth using
parent this time:
Consider this also: Parent B and Parent C both derived from
Parent A. Now, considered Parent D, derived from Parent B and Parent C both. In
simpler terms, Parent B is the parent of Parent C, Parent C is also the parent
of Parent D, but Parent A is the parent of both Parent B, Parent C and Parent
D. The root of Parent B, Parent C and Parent D is Parent A. Replace B, C and D with different
families from the same clan, they might seem different, but their root is still
from Parent A.
Chromosomes and Genes
There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans. In each pair,
one comes from the father, and the other comes from the mother. In total, there
are 46 chromosomes in every cell, with 23 coming from father and 23 coming from
the mother. Out of these chromosomes, sex chromosomes determine the gender of
the offspring.
The resultant cell has either XX chromosome pair or XY
chromosome pair. X chromosome decides female attributes and Y chromosome
determines male attribute. So, if the pair is XX, then the child will be a
girl, or if the pair is XY, then the pair will be a boy.
Only son gets a Y chromosome from his father, and cannot from
a mother (since female only have X chromosomes). But the daughter can get the X
chromosome from both father and mother. Thus, Y chromosome is always preserved
through male lineage, from grandfather to father to son to grandson……..
Crossover can happen when both X chromosomes in a daughter
have been obtained from both the parents.
The Y Chromosome and the Verdict of Clan System
It is the Y chromosome which gets passed down between men in
a lineage, Y chromosome will never be in any woman. Thus, Y Chromosome plays a
crucial role in modern genetics to identify Genealogy, that is the male
ancestry of a person. So, the system was designed to trace the Y chromosome to
its roots. So if a person belongs to Mingyuo clan, then his Y Chromosome has
come all the way from the ancestor Ankwai thousands of years ago, and if the person
belongs to Lawat, then the Chromosome came from Kwashang to the person.
This also clarifies why females belong to the Clan of their
husbands when they marry. Women do not carry Y chromosome, only male will carry
the father’s Y chromosome. Thus, the Clan of the woman is said to be that of
the husband.
But why can’t male and female from the same Clan marry? Let’s
know more about the important Y Chromosome in the lineage:
The Weakness of the Y Chromosome
X Chromosome has a similar pair in the human body, but Y
chromosome does not. It means X chromosome can pair with both X and Y, but Y
chromosome needs X chromosome to pair. The size of chromosome is only
decreasing with evolution, with scientists debating that the Y chromosome would
not be able to survive more than a few million years into the future, leading
to the extinction of mankind. The logic is simple without both male and female,
reproduction is not possible. But they debate if the Chromosome will be able to
completely take over the functionality.
The reason for the debate is that there is no process for Y
chromosome to repair itself by crossing over with its Chromosomal pair. To
clarify, X chromosomes can pair with another X chromosome. So, when one X
chromosome gets damaged, it allows itself to be repaired by copying DNA from
other Chromosome in that pair as they are identical in nature. But Y chromosome
can only pair with Y for XY combination, and thus cannot mix and match with Y
except for small 5% of X which matches with Y, while the remaining 95% of Y
chromosome is crucial in the development of male cannot match at all.
It is also that the Y chromosome has to depend on itself to
repair itself in cases of damages. For that, it creates duplicate copies of its
genes within itself. But it doesn’t limit the DNA damages in Y chromosome which
escape its local repair process from being propagated into offspring males.
Thus, Y chromosomes accumulate more and more defects over a prolonged period of
To summarize all this, Y chromosome, crucial for creation and
evolution of males, has a fundamental weakness to continue the normal evolution
via a chromosomal mix and match to create better versions of every successive
generation. That is causing scientists to believe that male chromosome might be
extinct in the future.
But that is not to say that humanity will be extinct since
female only require XX chromosomes, they can be cultivated by injecting X
chromosomes into the cell.
Clan System – an attempt at protecting the Y chromosome from becoming extinct
It is proven in modern Genetics that marriages between
cousins will increase the risk of causing genetic disorders. If you want to
know more, Let’s say there is a recessive dangerous gene in one person. This
means that the person is carrying a dangerous abnormality causing the gene in
one of his chromosomes, but the effect has not been expressed due to the
corresponding gene pair Chromosome is stronger, and is preventing from the
abnormality to appear and activate. This gene will remain intact and hidden
unless the person keeps marrying outside the same genetic imprint. When they
marry someone with the same genetic imprint, there are high chances that their
children will have the defective gene activated and cause abnormality in them.
Thus, marrying to the same cousins will always have a chance of producing
defective genes, or rather, the defective genes to be activated, and thus,
leading to abnormalities. It is not an opinion, but a biological fact.
Is Clan System relevant
Just to make sure that things are on the right track, what we
discussed above only proved two things:
system is the same as the male lineage that follows via Y Chromosome.2. Cousin marriages within immediate families are known to cause genetic disorders.
With that, we know that Clan system was developed thousands
of years ago, and they tried to do it to protect the disorder by limiting the
marriage system. It might have had its benefits in the early days, but now,
when we have come far off after evolution and civilization, the system might
not be relevant today, or it might be. The answer must be given by science. If
there are any proofs that genetic studies found no problem with same clan
marriages, then the question is raised against the Clan system.
Having said that, Clan system is scientific and still has a
major say in marriages today.
Edward Joshua
Language Art
Kaduna State College of Education,
Gidan Waya
In Affiliation with
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria